Rabu, 27 Juni 2012
Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012
with Violence
Kejahatan Cyber ( Cybercrime) adalah
sebuah kejahatan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan computer dan bertekhnologi
internet sebagai sarana/ alat sebagai objek atau subjek dan dilakukan dengan
sengaja. Cybercrime with violence adalah sebuah perbuatan melawan hukum dengan
menggunakan computer berbasis jaringan dan tekhnologi internet yang menjadikan
jaringan tersebut menjadi subjek/objek dari kegiatan terorisme, kejahatan cyber
pornografi anak, kejahatan cyber dengan ancaman ataupun kejahatan cyber
Secara harfiah, kejahatan cyber yang
menjadikan korban dengan menggunakan kekerasan secara langsung memang tidak
bisa dilihat hubungan timbal baliknya, namun ada implikasi dari
kejahatan-kejahatan tersebut, yang berupa ancaman terhadap rasa aman dan
keselamatan korban kejahatan.
Dr. Dorothy
Dennings, (Bernadette Hlubik Schell, Clemens Martin, Cybercrime: A Reference
Handbook, ABC-CLIO,2004) salah satu pakar cybercrime di Universitas Goergetown
Amerika mengatakan bahwa “jaringan internet telah menjadi lahan yang subur
untuk melakukan serangan – serangan terhadap pemerintah, perusahaan-perusahaan
dan individu-individu. Para pelaku kejahatan ini melakukan pembobolan data,
penyadapan dan penguntitan individu/personal yang mengakibatkan terancamnya
keselamatan individu, merusak jaringan website yang mengakibatkan hancurnya
data base yang sudah dibangun, ada dua faktor yang sangat penting untuk
menentukan apakah korban dari cyber terorisme ini dapat menjadi ancaman yang
mengakibatkan terlukai atau terbunuhnya banyak orang. Faktor yang pertama
apakah ada target yang dapat dibuktikan bahwa kejahatan ini dapat menuntun
dilakukannya kekerasan dan penganiayaan. Faktor yang kedua adalah apakah ada
actor yang mempunyai kapabilitas ( kemampuan) dan motivasi untuk dilakukannya
cyber terorisme”.
Dari keterangan
diatas, maka dapat dibedakan antara hacker yang memiliki alat, pengetahuan dan
alat dengan tindakan cyber terorisme. Mereka para Hacker pada umunya tidak
memiliki motivasi kapabilitas untuk melakukan kekerasan yang mengakibatkan
tingkat kerusakan yang tinggi di jaringan internet. Untuk kejahatan terorisme
dengan motivasi keagamaan, kekerasan terinspirasi sebagai tindakan yang baik,
ekstrimis keagaamaan menjadi tertarik terhadap target yang lebih luas dan tidak
membeda-bedakan target kekerasan akibat dari perspektif yang terbentuk dengan
bantuan alat / tekhnologi internet. Mereka menjadikan isu dengan tendensi agar
seluruh penganut keagamaan yang tidak sealiran dengan mereka menjadi target.
Isu-isu sosial itulah yang disebarluaskan melalui jaringan cyber sehingga
menjadikan target kekerasan yang dapat mematikan kepada semua orang diluar
sana. Banyak orang sekarang menjadi terancam keselamatan fisiknya baik
dilakukan melalui pesan maupun kampanye kebencian yang menyesatkan karena
Pemerintah USA
telah mendefinisikan Cyberterorisme sebagai perbuatan terorisme yang dilakukan,
direncanakan dan dikoordinasikan dalam jaringan cyberspace, yang melalui
jaringan computer. Faktor-faktor yang menjadikan menjadi pertimbangan untuk
mencegah Cyber crime sebagai prioritas utama adalah (Debra Littlejohn Shinder,
Ed Tittel, Scene of the Cybercrime: Computer Forensics Handbook, Syngress,
Perluasan target kekerasan :
Cybercrime yang melibatkan kekerasan atau potensi kekerasan melawan orang (
khususnya terhadap anak-anak) adalah normal sebagai prioritas utama, kejahatan
terhadap property yang mengakibatkan kerugian yang bernilai besar juga menjadi
focus perhatian yang lebih besar untuk ditanggulangi dari pada dengan nilai
kerugian yang kecil.
Frekwensi Kejadian : Cybercrime yang
terjadi lebih sering menjadi focus perhatian utama dari pada yang jarang
Kemampuan Personel : penyidikan
cybercrime yang dapat dilakukan oleh satu penyidik lebih membantu satuannya
karena tidak banyak penyidik yang dimiliki untuk melakukan penyidikan
Pelatihan Personel : membeda-bedakan
kasus cybercrime dan bukan kadangkala tergantung penyidik yang sudah dilatih
atau belom.
Jurisdiksi : Kesatuan secara umum
lebih menitik beratkan kepada kasus yang menimpa masyarakat local. Walaupun
mempunyai kewenangan secara hukum, banyak kesatuan tidak mengeluarkan dana dan
sumber dayanya untuk menangani kejahatan cyber melewati batas jurisdiksinya.
Tingkat Kesulitan Penyidikan:
Tingkat kesulitan pengungkapannya dan tingkat kesuskesan dari hasil penyidikan
dapat menjadikan kasus cybercrime mana yang menjadi prioritas.
Faktor Politik : Pengungkapan
seringkali dipengaruhi pengaruh suasana politis yang menjadikan kasus cyber
sebagai prioritas utama.
Komentar :
Cybercrime with violence adalah
sebuah perbuatan melawan hukum dengan menggunakan computer berbasis jaringan
dan tekhnologi internet yang menjadikan jaringan tersebut menjadi subjek/objek
dari kegiatan terorisme, kejahatan cyber pornografi anak, kejahatan cyber
dengan ancaman ataupun kejahatan cyber penguntitan.
Hal ini sangat berdampak buruk bagi
para penggunanya, karena mengganggu rasa aman dan keselamatan para korban.
Seharusnya kejadian ini ditindak lebih lanjut dan diberlakukan hukum tegas oleh
pemerintah dan harus diprioritaskan, karena lemahnya peraturan dan kurangnya
pengetahuan tentang mengatasi cybercrime dapat membuat semakin maraknya
kejahatan cybercrime ini. Dan semakin bahaya pula tingkat kejahatannya.
Berikut adalah upaya-upaya yang
dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi cybercrime:
1. Computer Related Crime (CRC)
harus dikriminalisasikan.
2. Diperlukan hukum acara yang tepat
untuk penyidikan dan penuntutan terhadap penjahat mayantara (cyber criminals).
3. Harus ada kerja antara pemerintah
dan industri terhadap tujuan umum pencegahan dan penaggulanagn kejahatan
komputer agar internet menjadi aman.
4. Diperlukan kerjasama
internasional untuk menelusuri atau mencari para penjahat internet.
5. PBB harus mengambil langkah atau
tindak lanjut yang berhubungan dengan bantuan dan kerja sama teknis dalam
penaggulangan computer related crime (CRC).
6. Mengembangkan tindakan-tindakan
pencegahan dan pengamanan komputer.
7. Melakukan langkah-langkah untuk
membuat peka warga masyarakat, aparat pengadilan dan penegak hukum, terhadap pentingnya
pencegahan kejahatan yang berhubungan dengan komputer.
8. Melakukan upaya-upaya pelatihan
(training) bagi para hakim, pejabat dan para penegak hukum mengenai kejahatan
ekonomi dan cyber crime.
9. Mengembangkan penelitian dan
analisis lebih lanjut guna menemukan cara-cara baru menghadapi problem Cyber
Crime pada masa yang akan datang.
Kamis, 21 Juni 2012
Pengertian QAUSATIVE VERB : Causative verb menunjukkan bahwa seseorang/sesuatu secara tidak langsung bertanggung jawab terhadap sebuah tindakan. Subjek tidak melakukan tindakan itu sendiri, tetapi justru menyebabkan seseorang/sesuatu yang lain melakukannya. Yang didalamnya menggunakan kata : have,get,let,make.
Contoh soal :
- Yesterday I ... my hair cut. (ANSWER : had)
- I... my jacket cleaned yesterday. (ANSWER : had)
- Did you ... your computer fixed? (ANSWER : have)
- When will the report be ready? (ANSWER : I’ll have it done by tomorrow morning)
- I ... my television fixed? (Answer : got)
- John .... his new car. (Answer : let me drive)
- Will your parents ....to the party? (Answer : let you go)
- I don’t know if my boss will ... the day off. (Answer : let me take)
- My teacher ....for what I had said. (Answer : made me apologize)
- Did somebody .... that ugly hat. (Answer : make you wear)
- She made .... their homework. (Answer : her children do)
- Today I ... my nail art.(Answer : had)
- I ... my wallet stolen (Answer : had)
- She ... her window smashed.(Answer : had).
- I’ll ... it done by tomorrow morning.(Answer : have)
- I ... cleaning my t’shirt tomorrow. (Answer : have)
- I ... my home work fixed. (Answer : had).
- I... eat cuisine my brother. (Answer : will)
- I... my bike in the last morning (Answer : wash)
- My shoes ... be washed tomorrow. (Answer : will)
Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012
Failed to be employees, so a successful entrepreneur
A man applying for a job as an office-boy in the palace. Court staff interviewed him and gave the task of cleaning the floor as a test.
"You're welcome," he said. "Give me your e-mail address and I will send a form to fill out and notice when you start work."
The man replied, "But I do not have a computer, let alone e-mail."
"Sorry," said the staff was. "If you do not have e-mail, it means you are not acceptable and can not work."
The man left with an empty hope. He did not know what to do with just a little money in his pocket. After much thought, he decided to go to the market and buy 10 kg of tomatoes. He sold tomatoes from house to house (door-to-door).
Less than two hours, he succeeded to double his capital. She did this three times, and came back with enough money to live a few days. He realized that he could survive this way.
He started to leave work early and leave late. More money into 2x to 3x per day. He also bought a cart, then a truck, and he finally has its own fleet of delivery vehicles.
Five years later, the man who is diligent and hardworking businessman has become one of the biggest food. He began planning his future with his family and decided to have life insurance.
He contacted the insurance broker. The broker should ask your e-mail. The man replied, "I do not have e-mail."
The broker asked curiously, "Ah you must be joking, how can you be successful in e-mailpun if you do not have?". The man replied, "Yes I was not smart, but I've built it all the dreams and hard work".
"You do not have e-mail, but successfully built a big business. Can you imagine, so what are you if you have e-mail?"
The man replied, "Yes, I would be the office boy in the palace"
Success is not available because we know something more than others, but because we HAVE to do something that other people do not know.
article really motivated me to
continue to be a good
action.Lebih Little Boss of the Great Employees (senior said)
...... successful greeting sobatjgn give up! maybe
it is someone who
tepat.kekurangan and climatic limitations is
only complementary in our lives, where
we could change
it all when it would not really postingannya
terlihatkeren friend
very highly motivated bermanfaatwow posting ^ ^ makasi many sharenya sob .. so burning passion ... wiiih sip gan. very motivating sob. : Dkelemahan not make an excuse for people who want to motivate maju.Sungguh.
Make moved gan (unyielding spirit who can make us successful .... good article ....
may be useful for people banyak.subhanallaah .. I had goosebumps when I read the final part of this article.
how one is able to continue to fight tirelessly in despite the limitations and backwardness.
Successful greeting ... wowww ..... nice post ...
Hmmmmm bgt inspiring article ... I want to be bored so employees capeterimakasih employers for the information! Greetings and good luck ... do not be a successful person when she has not encountered a situation when he was caught .. a very good motivation, so limitations of our essence is not a reason to not be successful mas ya bro :) be a salutary lesson. mas thanks bro
mean that destiny km jd entrepreneurs ..
very interesting article, which can provide motivation for everyone to send in pursuit berputus asaterus not easy to work hard with all his strength, and did not make the shortage as an excuse. we are all entitled to be a success.
That's the motivation that I once dapatkan.benar,,,, this article makes me add semanagat aja,,,,,, go,,,,,,,,,
very highly motivated bermanfaatwow posting ^ ^ makasi many sharenya sob .. so burning passion ... wiiih sip gan. very motivating sob. : Dkelemahan not make an excuse for people who want to motivate maju.Sungguh.
Make moved gan (unyielding spirit who can make us successful .... good article ....
may be useful for people banyak.subhanallaah .. I had goosebumps when I read the final part of this article.
how one is able to continue to fight tirelessly in despite the limitations and backwardness.
Successful greeting ... wowww ..... nice post ...
Hmmmmm bgt inspiring article ... I want to be bored so employees capeterimakasih employers for the information! Greetings and good luck ... do not be a successful person when she has not encountered a situation when he was caught .. a very good motivation, so limitations of our essence is not a reason to not be successful mas ya bro :) be a salutary lesson. mas thanks bro
mean that destiny km jd entrepreneurs ..
very interesting article, which can provide motivation for everyone to send in pursuit berputus asaterus not easy to work hard with all his strength, and did not make the shortage as an excuse. we are all entitled to be a success.
That's the motivation that I once dapatkan.benar,,,, this article makes me add semanagat aja,,,,,, go,,,,,,,,,
Articles English translators About Global Warming
Language translator articles about global warming CAN YOU get in here as a reference work or school coursework. Global warming is a problem with the World Together have prevented such a way. Following the initial sample translator language article about global warming:
I want to begin by thanking you for sponsoring a forum member panel discussion on global warming - a topic that is far more worthy of our attention than that usually gets. And thank them for inviting me to participate. I'm no Al Gore, but the subject is one I feel passionately about, and I
always glad to be part of any forum that raises our collective awareness about the seriousness of this problem.
Officially, this is a panel discussion of the quotes excerpts Global Warming Controversy. Although I appreciate the value of such provocative titles in the promotion of attendance, is somewhat misleading - I believe - and the main purpose of his opening remarks I will try and convince you that there is, in fact, there is no controversy. Perception that there is controversy perpetuated primarily by the popular media are struggling to emerge means even hold their hand prints on the contrary opinion by scientists increasingly marginalized, thus perpetuating the myth that there is ongoing controversy about the facts and causes of global warming. The situation is compounded because people who have the facts - the scientists - seem to know how to communicate to the public, and special interest groups who excel in swaying public opinion that does not do it with facts.
Whatever may be true thirty years ago, today there is no scientific debate about the reality - or causes - global warming. No. In fact, in a study published in the prestigious journal Science, scientists Naomi Oreskes analyzed all the papers have been published in scientific journals with "global climate change" buzzword for the decade ending in 2003 and found that none - not one - against There are some scientists and the fact pseudoscientific organizations are still dithering about the lack of evidence, but the scientific community is very much agree that the evidence of human-induced global warming is clear and "anthropogenic climate change globally." persuasive.
I want to briefly discuss the evidence just so that we can put that to bed and move on to debate the state should have, namely, what we can do. So what is global warming and how we know it happened? Global warming is the term generally used to indicate the increase in the average surface temperature of the planet, and there is a direct indicator that some of the warming trend is underway. Temperature record shows, for example, that the top 10 warmest years have occurred since 1989. These records also show that the average temperature has risen about one degree Fahrenheit in the last century alone, and that temperatures are rising faster at the two poles - there is an average temperature has risen to five
degrees above average. Extrapolation of these trends is a tricky business, but the scientific consensus is that the average temperature will rise another 2.5 to 10.5 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of this century. An average increase of 10 degrees does not sound like much - but the average temperature during the peak of the last ice age, when a mile thick glaciers covered much of North America, only 5-10 degrees cooler than average.
In addition to directly measure the temperature, we know that global warming occurs as a consequence we have experienced. Glaciers around the world to disappear at a rapid pace that we may have to rename Glacier National Park, as one comedian said, as The Park Formerly Known As Glacier. Scientists have noted that many species migrate away from the equator (or until the slopes of the mountains) seeking cooler temperatures as the range of their natural habitat has been heated. Surface of the ice in the Arctic shrank at an alarming rate, both in area and in thickness, and the Antarctic ice sheet
race to the sea at a speed unheard of melting ice lubricates their way.
Why is global warming happening? Two words: human activities. Of course the most famous part of the proof of global warming is the hockey stick graph. For those who have not seen it, imagine a hockey stick lying on its side, so long handle parallel to the ground. The handle is the graph of global temperatures by 1700 - in other words, the temperature is stable, and that will actually go down slightly. Then you can hockey stick blade, which shows
up at a sharp angle. This chart is part of global temperatures since the industrial revolution. Just happened to time? Not possible, and we certainly do not have to bet farm - or the planet - on it.
When the hockey stick graph was first published a decade ago, immediately became a rallying point for people on both sides of the debate. Nay-Sayers quibbled about the vagueness of data and some specific statements made by the author. The scientists say the trend is clear and compelling: right about the time we started to throw a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, global temperatures began to shoot up and they have not looked back.
Because the chart was first published, many scientific studies have been validated and revalidated the basic shape of the hockey stick graph - even the overnment of the National Academy of Sciences is now on board, despite the obvious political pressure from the government to obfuscate. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which includes a consortium of top scientists in the field from around the world, is on record stating that global warming has recently come from humans.
Language translator articles about global warming CAN YOU get in here as a reference work or school coursework. Global warming is a problem with the World Together have prevented such a way. Following the initial sample translator language article about global warming:
I want to begin by thanking you for sponsoring a forum member panel discussion on global warming - a topic that is far more worthy of our attention than that usually gets. And thank them for inviting me to participate. I'm no Al Gore, but the subject is one I feel passionately about, and I
always glad to be part of any forum that raises our collective awareness about the seriousness of this problem.
Officially, this is a panel discussion of the quotes excerpts Global Warming Controversy. Although I appreciate the value of such provocative titles in the promotion of attendance, is somewhat misleading - I believe - and the main purpose of his opening remarks I will try and convince you that there is, in fact, there is no controversy. Perception that there is controversy perpetuated primarily by the popular media are struggling to emerge means even hold their hand prints on the contrary opinion by scientists increasingly marginalized, thus perpetuating the myth that there is ongoing controversy about the facts and causes of global warming. The situation is compounded because people who have the facts - the scientists - seem to know how to communicate to the public, and special interest groups who excel in swaying public opinion that does not do it with facts.
Whatever may be true thirty years ago, today there is no scientific debate about the reality - or causes - global warming. No. In fact, in a study published in the prestigious journal Science, scientists Naomi Oreskes analyzed all the papers have been published in scientific journals with "global climate change" buzzword for the decade ending in 2003 and found that none - not one - against There are some scientists and the fact pseudoscientific organizations are still dithering about the lack of evidence, but the scientific community is very much agree that the evidence of human-induced global warming is clear and "anthropogenic climate change globally." persuasive.
I want to briefly discuss the evidence just so that we can put that to bed and move on to debate the state should have, namely, what we can do. So what is global warming and how we know it happened? Global warming is the term generally used to indicate the increase in the average surface temperature of the planet, and there is a direct indicator that some of the warming trend is underway. Temperature record shows, for example, that the top 10 warmest years have occurred since 1989. These records also show that the average temperature has risen about one degree Fahrenheit in the last century alone, and that temperatures are rising faster at the two poles - there is an average temperature has risen to five
degrees above average. Extrapolation of these trends is a tricky business, but the scientific consensus is that the average temperature will rise another 2.5 to 10.5 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of this century. An average increase of 10 degrees does not sound like much - but the average temperature during the peak of the last ice age, when a mile thick glaciers covered much of North America, only 5-10 degrees cooler than average.
In addition to directly measure the temperature, we know that global warming occurs as a consequence we have experienced. Glaciers around the world to disappear at a rapid pace that we may have to rename Glacier National Park, as one comedian said, as The Park Formerly Known As Glacier. Scientists have noted that many species migrate away from the equator (or until the slopes of the mountains) seeking cooler temperatures as the range of their natural habitat has been heated. Surface of the ice in the Arctic shrank at an alarming rate, both in area and in thickness, and the Antarctic ice sheet
race to the sea at a speed unheard of melting ice lubricates their way.
Why is global warming happening? Two words: human activities. Of course the most famous part of the proof of global warming is the hockey stick graph. For those who have not seen it, imagine a hockey stick lying on its side, so long handle parallel to the ground. The handle is the graph of global temperatures by 1700 - in other words, the temperature is stable, and that will actually go down slightly. Then you can hockey stick blade, which shows
up at a sharp angle. This chart is part of global temperatures since the industrial revolution. Just happened to time? Not possible, and we certainly do not have to bet farm - or the planet - on it.
When the hockey stick graph was first published a decade ago, immediately became a rallying point for people on both sides of the debate. Nay-Sayers quibbled about the vagueness of data and some specific statements made by the author. The scientists say the trend is clear and compelling: right about the time we started to throw a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, global temperatures began to shoot up and they have not looked back.
Because the chart was first published, many scientific studies have been validated and revalidated the basic shape of the hockey stick graph - even the overnment of the National Academy of Sciences is now on board, despite the obvious political pressure from the government to obfuscate. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which includes a consortium of top scientists in the field from around the world, is on record stating that global warming has recently come from humans.
Global warming, said it is not foreign to our ears, even controversy about global warming was still a hot topic among the scientific. In reality the cause of global heating is global climate change or climate change in general and the scientific community is very thorough yet approved for human and global warming is there even a mention that global warming is generally used to indicate that the average surface temperature of the planet and there are several indicators direct that a large warming trend is underway, there are many causes global warming because in view of some of the colors that the ozone layer is thinning. Human activity also affects such as use of goods that no non-CFC hologran. Evidence of global pemenasan also influenced the level of hockey graphics. We've wasted a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, so far the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) stated that global warming was recently derived from a human and therefore we as humans need to reduce CFC-containing products in order to prevent dangerous global warming more wide reaching.
About the economy
In the era of globalization, where economic barriers fade, shift the flow of funds from the surplus to a deficit will be more quickly and without hassle. Capital Markets as an investing doors to the flow of funds from the excess wealth (surplus) to the parties that lack of funds (deficit) to act as financial intermediaries. Investors here are the parties in connection with a financial surplus.
Who are the parties of this surplus? In relation to the investment and use of sources of funds, investors can be divided. First, the domestic investor is the investor who comes from a portfolio of domestic assets in domestic capital markets. The second is the foreign investor, the investor who has a number of funds from abroad that make up the portfolio of assets on a number of different countries.
Foreign investment coming to other countries actually have classical motifs which include, motif search for raw materials or natural resources, find new markets and minimize costs. Of classical motifs such investors sometimes have another motive, namely the motive to develop the technology. Investors to channel funds to other countries usually do not only carry a single motif alone but could be due to several motives at once.
There are at least four ways investors can enter a country: distressed asset investment, strategic investment, direct investment and portfolio investment. Distressed asset investment is the investment made to obtain possession or purchase the debt of a company in financial difficulties. Second, the strategic investment of foreign investors in general have acquired a large enough market share and be in the business segment as well as location factors that support the company's expansion strategy of the investor. The third direct investment (direct investment) usually takes place in the underdeveloped sector, for example, the technology-laden construction or development in the automotive sector, usually the company. The fourth is an investment portfolio that is invested in bonds and shares in the capital market.
Portfolio investment is what has been a concern of many practitioners in the field of capital markets. Why is that? Because this type of investor is the fastest moving the exposure in a country if there is turmoil (political, economic, exchange rate) which is interpreted as uncertainty. They also are investors who have the most extensive selection compared to the above three types of investors. So that if certain events occur both at the macro level, sekoral or government regulation, then the investor is more vulnerable and sensitive to the reflection on that information. The amount of foreign investment in or out, practically will also affect the overall market due to the large volume of transactions.
The role of foreign capital in the country's development has long been discussed by development economists. Broadly speaking, according to the first Chereney and Carter, external funding sources (foreign capital) can be exploited by emerging country as a base to accelerate investment and economic growth. Second, increased economic growth needs to be followed by changes in the structure of production and trade. Third, foreign capital can play an important role in the mobilization of funds and structural transformation. Fourth, the need for foreign capital to be dropped soon after the structural change actually occurred (even if foreign capital is more productive later in life).
Emerging Markets Emerging IN COUNTRY
Indonesia had experienced economic devastation that had been built through the joints of the new order policy began to crawl back up the foundation of its economy. International Financial Corporation (IFC) classification relate to the classification of the stock market. If the country is still classified as a developing country, then the market in the country are also in the developing stage, although the stock market is fully functional and well organized.
Developing capital markets can be identified through a country, whether the country is classified as developed countries or developing countries. Indicator is the income per capita of a country, usually included in the low to middle income countries. But the most striking characteristic is seen its market capitalization is the number of listed companies, the cumulative trading volume, the tightness of capital markets regulation, to the domestic investor sophistication and culture.
Consequences of developing the capital market is a small market capitalization value. The size of the market capitalization ratio is usually seen from the comparison with the value of a country's gross domestic product. Besides other consequences is the presence of the thin trading volume (thin trading) caused by ketidaksingkronan trade (non-syncronous trading) on the market. Trades that are not synchronized due to the number of securities traded teracatat not entirely, meaning that there are some specific time in which a securities transaction does not occur (Hartono, 2003).
Indonesia which is still listed on the IFC is still a developing country with the worst investment climate in East Asia region. Even with a record like that, in fact we still ogled by foreign investors. The fact that there are national companies with a strategic sector in fact be in the country, offered by a foreign institution through the acquisition of shares. The presence of inflows as investments which are generally foreign investment should be a macro economic levers.
The main reason foreign investors transfer funds to developing countries is that developing countries have the potential untapped business entirely, as in the classic pattern of investment to other countries. Michael Fairbanks and Stace Lindsay senior consultant at Monitor Company suggested destination of foreign investors coming to poor countries is usually just see the opportunity to appeal to natural resources, cheap labor and wages as the target product or service that is not good quality.
But there are other reasons that accompany such a motive, which is a striking difference with the developed countries. If we use life-cycle approach to the business of developing countries into the category of growth (growth) than developed countries that fall within the mature (mature). It means that there is the allure of high economic growth which of course is accompanied by a high return as well, because economic growth is an aggregate indicator of the industry in a country. For example, the mobile telecommunications business in Indonesia is explored in a new compact on the island of Java alone, whereas outside it is still a high potential to serve new markets.
Mark Mobius practitioners and experts in the international investment industry argued that the introduction of foreign investors into the market of course serves as a catalyst, which encourage local investment. Foreign capital entry into certain countries allow businesses in the country to grow at a rate faster than if only mobilize domestic resources.
Only cash flows from investment portfolios are often concerned only the flow of hot money from other countries. Flows are often known as the capital of this fight is viewed by government as a speculative investment, are unreliable and tend to be full of activities to take profit (profit taking) in the capital market. At a later stage funds, as this will cause instability in the domestic economy.
The problem that has always been a scourge in the stock market has actually voiced by many economists, and regulatory practitioners in the industry. It's just that we just like to hear the information coming from out of left ear right ear. The problem is to create a quality flow of investment funds is not the quantity of flow of funds. The quality of investment is the amount of funds invested over the long term that is used to construct the real sector.
Is simply to maintain a stable macro economy (eg inflation, economic growth, etc.), one way to make it happen is by creating a system of fair and competitive market. Competitive and fair means that there are no beneficiaries in excess due to the biased information and vice versa. As an example of extortion are rampant in our country are performed by actors who netted in a particular syndicate, to pay these charges, for example, the company facilitated the licensing arrangement rather than a company that does not do that. Illegal fees also contain a high price uncertainty because there are no clear standards and conducted illegally. Illegal fees can be categorized as a cost burden due to the risks that cause higher production costs.
Douglass North argued many transaction costs associated with the overall economic performance, the lower the transaction costs of a country will experience more economic growth can be maintained. Specifically, Gayle P. W. Jackson in his article entitled Government for Modern Markets suggests that to reduce the uncertainty due to transaction costs can be done with the cover, a clear system of ownership, the use of standard, wide and increasing resources, regulators stringent, having a data base and ensure the smooth dissemination of information resulting in competitive climate to reduce asymmetric information.
Sources: Mobius on Emerging Markets, 1998
The role of government as regulator function is not quite as sophisticated as any restrictive regulations and if not done with the consciousness (awareness) is high for sure will go next half and each actor will always find a gap of regulation. The Government should also be a role as a guarantor that provides assurance to both domestic and foreign investors. Economic assurance is not enough, the government must somehow be able to give legal certainty and the certainty of political conditions. Because the two factors are also closely related to cultured human resource factor.
Utopian trinkets that had been used as a massive campaign by the government should start to really run. The hope is that the effect can seep down (trickle-down effect) is to change the culture, behavior and the behavior of government that gives moral support to the community. But this is not necessarily able to succeed on its own, the government also must be able to guide people to dare to be a domestic invetor resulting in a movement from bottom to top (bottom up).
Capital markets such as these have a tendency to higher return but higher the risk. Momentum flow of foreign funds during the time that adorn the Indonesia capital market should also be welcomed by the domestic flow of funds to be able to increase the market capitalization. In this way, the role of capital markets as the driving wheel of development and enhancing the welfare of society can be realized. The capital market is not only controlled by one or two groups only, but is an integrated system to move together between government, business, and society.
In the era of globalization, where economic barriers fade, shift the flow of funds from the surplus to a deficit will be more quickly and without hassle. Capital Markets as an investing doors to the flow of funds from the excess wealth (surplus) to the parties that lack of funds (deficit) to act as financial intermediaries. Investors here are the parties in connection with a financial surplus.
Who are the parties of this surplus? In relation to the investment and use of sources of funds, investors can be divided. First, the domestic investor is the investor who comes from a portfolio of domestic assets in domestic capital markets. The second is the foreign investor, the investor who has a number of funds from abroad that make up the portfolio of assets on a number of different countries.
Foreign investment coming to other countries actually have classical motifs which include, motif search for raw materials or natural resources, find new markets and minimize costs. Of classical motifs such investors sometimes have another motive, namely the motive to develop the technology. Investors to channel funds to other countries usually do not only carry a single motif alone but could be due to several motives at once.
There are at least four ways investors can enter a country: distressed asset investment, strategic investment, direct investment and portfolio investment. Distressed asset investment is the investment made to obtain possession or purchase the debt of a company in financial difficulties. Second, the strategic investment of foreign investors in general have acquired a large enough market share and be in the business segment as well as location factors that support the company's expansion strategy of the investor. The third direct investment (direct investment) usually takes place in the underdeveloped sector, for example, the technology-laden construction or development in the automotive sector, usually the company. The fourth is an investment portfolio that is invested in bonds and shares in the capital market.
Portfolio investment is what has been a concern of many practitioners in the field of capital markets. Why is that? Because this type of investor is the fastest moving the exposure in a country if there is turmoil (political, economic, exchange rate) which is interpreted as uncertainty. They also are investors who have the most extensive selection compared to the above three types of investors. So that if certain events occur both at the macro level, sekoral or government regulation, then the investor is more vulnerable and sensitive to the reflection on that information. The amount of foreign investment in or out, practically will also affect the overall market due to the large volume of transactions.
The role of foreign capital in the country's development has long been discussed by development economists. Broadly speaking, according to the first Chereney and Carter, external funding sources (foreign capital) can be exploited by emerging country as a base to accelerate investment and economic growth. Second, increased economic growth needs to be followed by changes in the structure of production and trade. Third, foreign capital can play an important role in the mobilization of funds and structural transformation. Fourth, the need for foreign capital to be dropped soon after the structural change actually occurred (even if foreign capital is more productive later in life).
Emerging Markets Emerging IN COUNTRY
Indonesia had experienced economic devastation that had been built through the joints of the new order policy began to crawl back up the foundation of its economy. International Financial Corporation (IFC) classification relate to the classification of the stock market. If the country is still classified as a developing country, then the market in the country are also in the developing stage, although the stock market is fully functional and well organized.
Developing capital markets can be identified through a country, whether the country is classified as developed countries or developing countries. Indicator is the income per capita of a country, usually included in the low to middle income countries. But the most striking characteristic is seen its market capitalization is the number of listed companies, the cumulative trading volume, the tightness of capital markets regulation, to the domestic investor sophistication and culture.
Consequences of developing the capital market is a small market capitalization value. The size of the market capitalization ratio is usually seen from the comparison with the value of a country's gross domestic product. Besides other consequences is the presence of the thin trading volume (thin trading) caused by ketidaksingkronan trade (non-syncronous trading) on the market. Trades that are not synchronized due to the number of securities traded teracatat not entirely, meaning that there are some specific time in which a securities transaction does not occur (Hartono, 2003).
Indonesia which is still listed on the IFC is still a developing country with the worst investment climate in East Asia region. Even with a record like that, in fact we still ogled by foreign investors. The fact that there are national companies with a strategic sector in fact be in the country, offered by a foreign institution through the acquisition of shares. The presence of inflows as investments which are generally foreign investment should be a macro economic levers.
The main reason foreign investors transfer funds to developing countries is that developing countries have the potential untapped business entirely, as in the classic pattern of investment to other countries. Michael Fairbanks and Stace Lindsay senior consultant at Monitor Company suggested destination of foreign investors coming to poor countries is usually just see the opportunity to appeal to natural resources, cheap labor and wages as the target product or service that is not good quality.
But there are other reasons that accompany such a motive, which is a striking difference with the developed countries. If we use life-cycle approach to the business of developing countries into the category of growth (growth) than developed countries that fall within the mature (mature). It means that there is the allure of high economic growth which of course is accompanied by a high return as well, because economic growth is an aggregate indicator of the industry in a country. For example, the mobile telecommunications business in Indonesia is explored in a new compact on the island of Java alone, whereas outside it is still a high potential to serve new markets.
Mark Mobius practitioners and experts in the international investment industry argued that the introduction of foreign investors into the market of course serves as a catalyst, which encourage local investment. Foreign capital entry into certain countries allow businesses in the country to grow at a rate faster than if only mobilize domestic resources.
Only cash flows from investment portfolios are often concerned only the flow of hot money from other countries. Flows are often known as the capital of this fight is viewed by government as a speculative investment, are unreliable and tend to be full of activities to take profit (profit taking) in the capital market. At a later stage funds, as this will cause instability in the domestic economy.
The problem that has always been a scourge in the stock market has actually voiced by many economists, and regulatory practitioners in the industry. It's just that we just like to hear the information coming from out of left ear right ear. The problem is to create a quality flow of investment funds is not the quantity of flow of funds. The quality of investment is the amount of funds invested over the long term that is used to construct the real sector.
Is simply to maintain a stable macro economy (eg inflation, economic growth, etc.), one way to make it happen is by creating a system of fair and competitive market. Competitive and fair means that there are no beneficiaries in excess due to the biased information and vice versa. As an example of extortion are rampant in our country are performed by actors who netted in a particular syndicate, to pay these charges, for example, the company facilitated the licensing arrangement rather than a company that does not do that. Illegal fees also contain a high price uncertainty because there are no clear standards and conducted illegally. Illegal fees can be categorized as a cost burden due to the risks that cause higher production costs.
Douglass North argued many transaction costs associated with the overall economic performance, the lower the transaction costs of a country will experience more economic growth can be maintained. Specifically, Gayle P. W. Jackson in his article entitled Government for Modern Markets suggests that to reduce the uncertainty due to transaction costs can be done with the cover, a clear system of ownership, the use of standard, wide and increasing resources, regulators stringent, having a data base and ensure the smooth dissemination of information resulting in competitive climate to reduce asymmetric information.
Sources: Mobius on Emerging Markets, 1998
The role of government as regulator function is not quite as sophisticated as any restrictive regulations and if not done with the consciousness (awareness) is high for sure will go next half and each actor will always find a gap of regulation. The Government should also be a role as a guarantor that provides assurance to both domestic and foreign investors. Economic assurance is not enough, the government must somehow be able to give legal certainty and the certainty of political conditions. Because the two factors are also closely related to cultured human resource factor.
Utopian trinkets that had been used as a massive campaign by the government should start to really run. The hope is that the effect can seep down (trickle-down effect) is to change the culture, behavior and the behavior of government that gives moral support to the community. But this is not necessarily able to succeed on its own, the government also must be able to guide people to dare to be a domestic invetor resulting in a movement from bottom to top (bottom up).
Capital markets such as these have a tendency to higher return but higher the risk. Momentum flow of foreign funds during the time that adorn the Indonesia capital market should also be welcomed by the domestic flow of funds to be able to increase the market capitalization. In this way, the role of capital markets as the driving wheel of development and enhancing the welfare of society can be realized. The capital market is not only controlled by one or two groups only, but is an integrated system to move together between government, business, and society.
We as citizens of Indonesia must have a lot to know that the economy we are facing now is that the economy is at its nadir. Why do we conclude that, because there are times now that the government run the economy for the sake of people and certain groups, but the government can not even touch on the economy to alleviate the subaltern, we certainly have heard that the government has disbursed the funds in the stream can rarely felt the commoners, the funds that they often-heralded gembar already clogged and unstoppable in certain instances. And if there's a certain instani peranh there would be no party is responsible, they just finger-pointing and scapegoating encari, and at the end of a corruption case was lost like a swallow the earth,
there are many examples of soft money (KUK) (KUR) and so on. After all, we only know the extent of advertising has never been realized in a real and evenly on the small people.
We as citizens of Indonesia must have a lot to know that the economy we are facing now is that the economy is at its nadir. Why do we conclude that, because there are times now that the government run the economy for the sake of people and certain groups, but the government can not even touch on the economy to alleviate the subaltern, we certainly have heard that the government has disbursed the funds in the stream can rarely felt the commoners, the funds that they often-heralded gembar already clogged and unstoppable in certain instances. And if there's a certain instani peranh there would be no party is responsible, they just finger-pointing and scapegoating encari, and at the end of a corruption case was lost like a swallow the earth,
there are many examples of soft money (KUK) (KUR) and so on. After all, we only know the extent of advertising has never been realized in a real and evenly on the small people.
Scrapbooking my
translator Language Environment: Rose Gardening
Roses get a bad wrap over the years for being difficult to grow and maintain. If you are thinking of rose gardening do not let this rumor stop you. While rose gardening can prove to be challenging, once you get the hang of it, is actually not that bad.
When you start up gardening, you must select the type of riding you want to plant, and no, I'm not talking about color. You have to choose between bare-root, pre-packaged, and container-grown roses. Bare-root roses are sold in the winter and early spring. They should be planted as soon as the snow and the ground more than a warm and workable. Pre-packaged roses are bare-root plants that are sold in a bad or box with something around the roots to retain moisture, such as sawdust. Container-grown roses are grown, you guessed it, the packaging. They will either beginners or already blooming when they become available in early spring.
Planting roses in the garden is not much different than other types of plants. Most importantly, as usual, is a good, healthy soil and prime planting area. No matter whether your roses bare-root or container-grown, method of planting the same as other shrubs. Make sure the place you choose has good drainage, gets plenty of sunshine, and your roses will not be crowded. Before planting, any dead leaves and thin or decayed shoots should be cut. Any damaged or very long roots also need to be trimmed. Soak bare-root roses in water about 10-12 hours to restore moisture in the roots before planting and water the soil well before planting. Make sure you have dug a hole large enough for root growth of roses. Is also a good idea to use compost or mulch. After all, roses like additional nutrients as other plants.
Roses need the same things as other plants, they are just a bit needier. One of the most important thing to remember in rose gardening is a rose is a heavy feeder and will need several fertilizer applications. Fertilization should begin in early spring and discontinued in early fall. Be sure not to over-fertilizer (fertilizer should come with instructions) and water after each feeding. Roses require large amounts of water, a thorough watering twice a week is enough.
Pruning is an essential part to flower gardening. This increases blooms and encourages healthy plant growth. Different varieties of roses have different instructions for pruning, so you might want to read about the types of roses and see what is recommended.
The main thing to remember in rose gardening is to water, water, and water again. One other thing about rose gardening is the amount of fertilizer and nutrients you will need to use, and the pruning that needs to be done to keep your roses under control and healthy. Although rose gardening takes a little more time and roses are more work, they are one of the most unique plants and beautiful, and definitely worth the extra work.
Scrapbooking Environment Language translator I: Vegetable Gardening
Vegetable gardening lately become as popular as going to the grocery store the next product. Vegetable gardening can produce vegetable that are usually cheaper than store bought, and vegetables from the home vegetable garden definitely taste better away. Vegetable gardening is different than growing herbs or flowers and if appropriate measures are taken and the plants provide the proper care they will flourish and produce very tasty vegetables.
First you must decide what size of garden you want to plant and then select the place for it; in a place that has good drainage, good air flow, and good, deep soil. It should also be able to get as much sunlight as possible. Because vegetable gardens have such tasty benefits, many animals, like dogs, rabbits, deer, and many others will try and get to your vegetables. One way to prevent this is to surround your garden with a fence, or issue a trap to catch mice, moles, and other animals.
Before planting, the soil must be properly prepared. Good soil for vegetable gardening is achieved by cultivation and application of organic materials. Soil should be tilled (plowed) to control weeds and mix fertilizer into the soil. If you have a small garden, spading could be a better bet than plowing. Mulching is also an important part of soil preparation. Organic material added to the soil releases nitrogen, minerals and other nutrients plants need to grow. The most popular type of mulch and the best you can use is compost. While the type and amount of fertilizer used depends on the soil and plants, there are some plants that have special needs; leafy plants, like cabbage, spinach, and lettuce usually grow better with more nitrogen, while root crops like potatoes, beets, radishes, and carrots require more potash. Tomatoes and beans use less fertilizer, while plants like onions, celery, and potatoes need a larger amount.
One thing that is very important in vegetable gardening is the garden arrangement. There is no single plan that will work for every garden due to varying conditions. One popular way to set up a vegetable garden is to plant vegetables requires only limited space together, such as radishes, lettuce, beets, and spinach, and those who require more room together, such as corn, squash, and potatoes. Try and plant crops that grow high in the back garden and is shorter in the front so that their sunlight does not get blocked.
When you're finally ready to start planting a vegetable garden, make sure the plants and at the right time of year. If you really want to get an early start, you might want to start a nest in your garden and then transplant when the weather permits. After you are finished planting, make sure your vegetables receive the appropriate amount of water, which depends on the type of plant. Most plants will require the equivalent of about one inch of water per week.
Weeds should be controlled vegetable gardening because they will take water, light, and nutrients meant for the vegetables and they often bring disease and insects to the garden. You can get rid of weeds planting or mulching. To protect against disease and insects you can buy the seeds are disease resistant or use controlled chemicals.
Vegetable gardening is many people's favorite form of gardening because you can actually feel the fruits of your labor. Vegetable gardening is not that expensive to begin with and a sense of home grown veggies definitely beat that supermarket vegetables. Your vegetable gardening days will be full of produce if you take proper precautions when planting and continue maintenance of your garden.
Scrapbooking Environment Language translator I: Flower Gardening
Flower gardening is becoming more and more popular every day. Flowers can brighten everyone's day, they smell nice, and is a hobby. Flower gardening is simple, inexpensive, and a lot of fun. Flower gardening can be done to decorate the page, just as a hobby, or even professional.
There are several decisions to be made before even flower gardening can be started. You have to decide if you want annuals that live for one season and must be replanted every year, or perennials that survive the winter and back again in the summer. When buying and planting, consider the types of flowers thrive in your climate as well ass the sun requirements.
When flower gardening, you must specify the type of look you want before planting. For example, mixing different heights, colors, and types of flowers together in a "wild style plants" will give your garden and see the meadow can be very charming. If short flowers are planted in the front of your garden and work up to the highest interest in rear you will have a "stepping stone style".
You can order seeds for flower gardening from catalogs or buy them from nurseries. Most people will go to the nursery and buy actual flowers and then transplant them. Once you have prepared your garden area and bought flowers, it is a good idea to put flowers on the bed to make sure you like the setting and that they will be spaced properly.
One of the easiest processes in flower gardening is the planting / if you have seeds just sprinkle them around in the flower bed. For planting transplants dig a hole just larger than the flower, pull the container off, and arrange flowers in the upper right side of the hole. Cover it with loose soil and press down firmly, then water.
Maintaining a flower garden is even easier than planting one. While they may make your own, a bag of fertilizer applied in early spring is a good idea. Pinch back any blooms after they start to fade and keep them well watered. To save yourself work during the next season, flower gardening, cleaning up your garden of all debris and spread out organic nutrients like peat moss or compost. Do not forget to turn the soil to properly mix the fertilizer and rake smooth when finished. If you have perennials planted be careful not to disturb their roots in this process.
Flower gardening as easy as 1, 2, and 3: simply decide what crops; plant, and water, water, water! Flower gardening is undoubtedly gaining in popularity and gives a very good reason to spend outdoors and test their green thumbs
Roses get a bad wrap over the years for being difficult to grow and maintain. If you are thinking of rose gardening do not let this rumor stop you. While rose gardening can prove to be challenging, once you get the hang of it, is actually not that bad.
When you start up gardening, you must select the type of riding you want to plant, and no, I'm not talking about color. You have to choose between bare-root, pre-packaged, and container-grown roses. Bare-root roses are sold in the winter and early spring. They should be planted as soon as the snow and the ground more than a warm and workable. Pre-packaged roses are bare-root plants that are sold in a bad or box with something around the roots to retain moisture, such as sawdust. Container-grown roses are grown, you guessed it, the packaging. They will either beginners or already blooming when they become available in early spring.
Planting roses in the garden is not much different than other types of plants. Most importantly, as usual, is a good, healthy soil and prime planting area. No matter whether your roses bare-root or container-grown, method of planting the same as other shrubs. Make sure the place you choose has good drainage, gets plenty of sunshine, and your roses will not be crowded. Before planting, any dead leaves and thin or decayed shoots should be cut. Any damaged or very long roots also need to be trimmed. Soak bare-root roses in water about 10-12 hours to restore moisture in the roots before planting and water the soil well before planting. Make sure you have dug a hole large enough for root growth of roses. Is also a good idea to use compost or mulch. After all, roses like additional nutrients as other plants.
Roses need the same things as other plants, they are just a bit needier. One of the most important thing to remember in rose gardening is a rose is a heavy feeder and will need several fertilizer applications. Fertilization should begin in early spring and discontinued in early fall. Be sure not to over-fertilizer (fertilizer should come with instructions) and water after each feeding. Roses require large amounts of water, a thorough watering twice a week is enough.
Pruning is an essential part to flower gardening. This increases blooms and encourages healthy plant growth. Different varieties of roses have different instructions for pruning, so you might want to read about the types of roses and see what is recommended.
The main thing to remember in rose gardening is to water, water, and water again. One other thing about rose gardening is the amount of fertilizer and nutrients you will need to use, and the pruning that needs to be done to keep your roses under control and healthy. Although rose gardening takes a little more time and roses are more work, they are one of the most unique plants and beautiful, and definitely worth the extra work.
Scrapbooking Environment Language translator I: Vegetable Gardening
Vegetable gardening lately become as popular as going to the grocery store the next product. Vegetable gardening can produce vegetable that are usually cheaper than store bought, and vegetables from the home vegetable garden definitely taste better away. Vegetable gardening is different than growing herbs or flowers and if appropriate measures are taken and the plants provide the proper care they will flourish and produce very tasty vegetables.
First you must decide what size of garden you want to plant and then select the place for it; in a place that has good drainage, good air flow, and good, deep soil. It should also be able to get as much sunlight as possible. Because vegetable gardens have such tasty benefits, many animals, like dogs, rabbits, deer, and many others will try and get to your vegetables. One way to prevent this is to surround your garden with a fence, or issue a trap to catch mice, moles, and other animals.
Before planting, the soil must be properly prepared. Good soil for vegetable gardening is achieved by cultivation and application of organic materials. Soil should be tilled (plowed) to control weeds and mix fertilizer into the soil. If you have a small garden, spading could be a better bet than plowing. Mulching is also an important part of soil preparation. Organic material added to the soil releases nitrogen, minerals and other nutrients plants need to grow. The most popular type of mulch and the best you can use is compost. While the type and amount of fertilizer used depends on the soil and plants, there are some plants that have special needs; leafy plants, like cabbage, spinach, and lettuce usually grow better with more nitrogen, while root crops like potatoes, beets, radishes, and carrots require more potash. Tomatoes and beans use less fertilizer, while plants like onions, celery, and potatoes need a larger amount.
One thing that is very important in vegetable gardening is the garden arrangement. There is no single plan that will work for every garden due to varying conditions. One popular way to set up a vegetable garden is to plant vegetables requires only limited space together, such as radishes, lettuce, beets, and spinach, and those who require more room together, such as corn, squash, and potatoes. Try and plant crops that grow high in the back garden and is shorter in the front so that their sunlight does not get blocked.
When you're finally ready to start planting a vegetable garden, make sure the plants and at the right time of year. If you really want to get an early start, you might want to start a nest in your garden and then transplant when the weather permits. After you are finished planting, make sure your vegetables receive the appropriate amount of water, which depends on the type of plant. Most plants will require the equivalent of about one inch of water per week.
Weeds should be controlled vegetable gardening because they will take water, light, and nutrients meant for the vegetables and they often bring disease and insects to the garden. You can get rid of weeds planting or mulching. To protect against disease and insects you can buy the seeds are disease resistant or use controlled chemicals.
Vegetable gardening is many people's favorite form of gardening because you can actually feel the fruits of your labor. Vegetable gardening is not that expensive to begin with and a sense of home grown veggies definitely beat that supermarket vegetables. Your vegetable gardening days will be full of produce if you take proper precautions when planting and continue maintenance of your garden.
Scrapbooking Environment Language translator I: Flower Gardening
Flower gardening is becoming more and more popular every day. Flowers can brighten everyone's day, they smell nice, and is a hobby. Flower gardening is simple, inexpensive, and a lot of fun. Flower gardening can be done to decorate the page, just as a hobby, or even professional.
There are several decisions to be made before even flower gardening can be started. You have to decide if you want annuals that live for one season and must be replanted every year, or perennials that survive the winter and back again in the summer. When buying and planting, consider the types of flowers thrive in your climate as well ass the sun requirements.
When flower gardening, you must specify the type of look you want before planting. For example, mixing different heights, colors, and types of flowers together in a "wild style plants" will give your garden and see the meadow can be very charming. If short flowers are planted in the front of your garden and work up to the highest interest in rear you will have a "stepping stone style".
You can order seeds for flower gardening from catalogs or buy them from nurseries. Most people will go to the nursery and buy actual flowers and then transplant them. Once you have prepared your garden area and bought flowers, it is a good idea to put flowers on the bed to make sure you like the setting and that they will be spaced properly.
One of the easiest processes in flower gardening is the planting / if you have seeds just sprinkle them around in the flower bed. For planting transplants dig a hole just larger than the flower, pull the container off, and arrange flowers in the upper right side of the hole. Cover it with loose soil and press down firmly, then water.
Maintaining a flower garden is even easier than planting one. While they may make your own, a bag of fertilizer applied in early spring is a good idea. Pinch back any blooms after they start to fade and keep them well watered. To save yourself work during the next season, flower gardening, cleaning up your garden of all debris and spread out organic nutrients like peat moss or compost. Do not forget to turn the soil to properly mix the fertilizer and rake smooth when finished. If you have perennials planted be careful not to disturb their roots in this process.
Flower gardening as easy as 1, 2, and 3: simply decide what crops; plant, and water, water, water! Flower gardening is undoubtedly gaining in popularity and gives a very good reason to spend outdoors and test their green thumbs
Planting roses in the garden is not much different than other types of plants, make sure the place you have good drainage gets lots of sun, and will not be damaged. How to grow good roses should pay attention to certain techniques such as attention to everything ranging from small to large plantings, additional nutrients emberian using compost or mulch.
The process requires the same things as other plants they are just a little needier, the Need to remember in rose gardening should have different instructions such as pruning techniques for all healthy roses under control and therefore must consider the amount of fertilizer and nutrients supplied. Vegetable gardening is none other before we have to consider appropriate measures ranging from planting, care to harvest the process must also be considered a way so that results can be grown satisfactorily
Planting roses in the garden is not much different than other types of plants, make sure the place you have good drainage gets lots of sun, and will not be damaged. How to grow good roses should pay attention to certain techniques such as attention to everything ranging from small to large plantings, additional nutrients emberian using compost or mulch.
The process requires the same things as other plants they are just a little needier, the Need to remember in rose gardening should have different instructions such as pruning techniques for all healthy roses under control and therefore must consider the amount of fertilizer and nutrients supplied. Vegetable gardening is none other before we have to consider appropriate measures ranging from planting, care to harvest the process must also be considered a way so that results can be grown satisfactorily
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